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Professor Sukhsimranjit Singh Presents "Cross-Cultural Communication" -- San Joaquin County Bar Association

Professor Sukhsimranjit Singh presented "Cross-Cultural Communication" for the San Joaquin County Bar Association's Unity Bar 2024 Spring Diversity Series. The two-part series was held on May 9 and May 14.

From the San Joaquin County Bar Association:

Dr. Singh's 2-part Unity Bar Diversity Series on Cross-Cultural Communication will explore how various cultural differences impact resolution of disputes. He is an expert in Cross-Cultural conflict and communication, and specializes in Cross-Cultural mediation and negotiation. He is a sought-after international speaker, author, professor, presenter, and mediator with JAMS.

The focus of the Series will be on the impact of cultural differences, stereotypes, and how they affect dispute resolution and conflict in general. Dr. Singh will discuss considerations for negotiators to be aware of and share practical advice and strategies to enhance resolution skills in a Cross-Cultural negotiation. Differences in language, customs, values, legal systems, and world-views influence the way people interact; understanding how these differences impact negotiation and decision making can greatly enhance a negotiator's success. 

Additional information may be found at SJCBA News