The Caruso School of Law publishes content on an almost-daily basis across multiple channels, including the Surf Report, Newsroom, the School of Law Blog, social media channels, and email newsletters. We are delighted to amplify the voices and stories of our stakeholders. We publish material that falls into the following major categories:
- Alumni news: awards, special appointments or jobs, publications
- Student news: team competitions, school-related human interest stories, event announcements, awards, appointments.
- Faculty scholarship: publications, presentations, media appearances, new hires
- Campus news: event announcements and summaries, major campus announcements, activities, school rankings and related news
If you have news for us to share with our audiences that fits into the above categories, please send your news and a high-resolution square headshot or relevant photo. Please note: because of the volume of requests, we may not be able to respond immediately or publish every submission. Publication of any submitted content is at the discretion of the School of Law. The Office of Marketing and Communications reserves the right to decline any request due to volume or subject matter.

Surf Report
If you have questions about the Surf Report, please send us an email

Caruso School of Law
Contact a department at Pepperdine Caruso School of Law
Event/Announcement Request
Visit the events page for links to our event and announcement request forms.