Professor Colleen Graffy Presents "2024 US Election: The Future of Europe" -- Stony Brook University
Professor Colleen P. Graffy presented "2024 US Election: The Future of Europe" for the Stony Brook University Marie Colvin Center.
Lauren Bashir (JD '24) Publishes "Tips for Law Firms on Mentoring First-Year Lawyers" -- Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal
Pepperdine Caruso Law alumna Lauren Bashir (JD '24) has published the opinion article, "Tips for Law Firms on Mentoring First-Year Lawyers," in the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal.
Pepperdine Caruso Law Graduates Celebrate Winter 2024 California Bar Swearing-In Ceremony
On Thursday, December 5, the annual tradition of the California Bar Swearing-in Ceremony was held at Pepperdine Caruso School of Law.
Pepperdine University's 2024 Highlights
From groundbreaking academic advancements to memorable campus milestones, Pepperdine University celebrates a year filled with remarkable achievements.
Professor Joel Johnson Receives Runner-Up Award for AALS Section on Criminal Law Junior Scholars Paper Competition
Professor Joel S. Johnson has received the AALS Runner-Up Award for his paper, Major-Questions Lenity.
Professor Barry McDonald Quoted in "Creator Economy: TikTok's Trip to Supreme Court Could Play Out in Three Main Ways" -- The Information
Professor Barry P. McDonald is interviewed and quoted in The Information article, "Creator Economy: TikTok's Trip to Supreme Court Could Play Out in Three Main Ways."
Professor Alan Nissel Presents "The Duality of International Humanitarian Law" -- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Alan Nissel presented "The Duality of International Humanitarian Law" at the Minerva Conference on International Humanitarian Law held at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Professor Colleen Graffy Discusses US Presidential Election on BBC World Programs
Professor Colleen P. Graffy discussed the United States presidential election on BBC World Service and BBC World News TV.
Professor Greg McNeal Discusses New Jersey Drone Sightings on CNN Newsroom
Professor Gregory S. McNeal discussed the drone sightings over New Jersey on CNN Newsroom.