Professor Jacob Charles Presents "The State of Second Amendment Law" -- Santa Barbara County Bar Association
Professor Jacob D. Charles presented "The State of Second Amendment Law" at the Santa Barbara County Bar Association Bench and Bar Conference.
Pepperdine Caruso Law Student Billy Melcher Responds to Recent Wildfires
Pepperdine Caruso Law first-year student Billy Melcher fought the recent wildfires as a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Field Training Officer for the Malibu Volunteers on Patrol team.
Professor Shelley Saxer Presents "Social Ecological Resilience and Sustainability" -- University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law
Professor Shelley Ross Saxer presented her book revision on "Social Ecological Resilience and Sustainability" at the inaugural Pan-Pacific Sustainability Scholars Workshop held at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law.
Professor Mary Hoopes Presents "The Asymmetry Effects of Migration Policy" -- UC Berkeley School of Law
Professor Mary S. Hoopes presented "The Asymmetry Effects of Migration Policy" at UC Berkeley School of Law.
Pepperdine Caruso Law 51st Annual Vincent S. Dalsimer Moot Court Competition
On Friday, January 31, 2025, Pepperdine Caruso School of Law held the final round of the 51st annual Vincent S. Dalsimer Moot Court Competition.
Professor Maureen Weston, "State Arbitration Law in a FAA Preemption World" -- The Federal Arbitration Act: Successes, Failures, and a Roadmap for Reform
Professor Maureen A. Weston's article, "State Arbitration Law in a FAA Preemption World: The Interaction Between Federal and State Arbitration Law," is published in The Federal Arbitration Act: Successes, Failures, and a Roadmap for Reform.
Professor Helen Winter "Educating for Impact: A Pioneering Course in ADR and Social Entrepreneurship" -- St. Louis University Law Journal (forthcoming)
Professor Helen Winter's article, "Educating for Impact: A Pioneering Course in ADR and Social Entrepreneurship," will be published in the St. Louis University Law Journal ADR Teaching Edition.
Pepperdine Caruso Law Congratulates the Bell Ringers of January 2025
Pepperdine Caruso Law is pleased to congratulate the bell-ringers of January 2025 for post-graduation employment success!
Professor Mark Kubisch, "Constitutionally Suspect Interventions in the Shareholder Proposal Forum" -- Wake Forest Law Review
Professor Mark Kubisch's article, "Constitutionally Suspect Interventions in the Shareholder Proposal Forum," is published in the Wake Forest Law Review.