Professor Chris Chambers Goodman Coordinates American Women's Suffrage Movement Presentation
Professor Christine Chambers Goodman organized a service project to an all-girls middle and high school to have members of the National Conference of Women's Bar Associations Board (NCWBA) give presentations on women's suffrage and careers in law at the Ann Richards School for Young Women, located in Austin, Texas. The project took place in conjunction with the American Bar Association's mid-year meeting. The group made presentations to approximately 120 8th, 9th and 12th grade students, and then held a brown bag drop in lunch in the campus career center. Later that evening, NCWBA hosted a program and reception celebrating the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage at the Texas Supreme Court. Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman, and Reda Hicks, from the Texas League of Women Voters in Houston, gave speeches at the event.
Pictured is NCWBA event co-chair Sheila Willis, Reda Hicks, Professor Goodman, and Justice Guzman.