Eastern Africa Interns
Next week 13 of our students will jump on their flights and travel across the pond to Eastern Africa. We have 11 students who will be living in Uganda working for various judges and courts and we have 2 students who have the honor to work with Chief Justice Rugege of Rwanda. These internship opportunities have developed over years of relational development with top leaders in each of these countries. Our students walk away from this experience every year with a smile on their face and with memories they won't ever forget.
Throughout the summer these 13 students will be adding to this page their stories, testimonies, and experiences. I can assure you, they will be worth the read!
Jenna, Shelby, Saba, Catherine, Missy, Josh, Greg, Emily, Matthew, Morgan, DT, Ricky, and Mark: Safe travels and I hope you have the most amazing summer in Uganda and Rwanda! We can't wait to read about your months in those two amazing countries.