Baker, Cooper, and Stringfellow-Otey participate in AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education
May 3, 2016 -- Pepperdine Law professors Jeffrey R. Baker, Tanya Asim Cooper, and Brittany Stringfellow Otey are participating this week in the 39th Annual AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education - Clinics and Communities: Exploring Community Engagement Through Clinical Education. The conference is being held April 30 - May 3 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Professor Baker:
Panelist, Plenary Session: Innovative and Sustainable Clinical Engagement with Community
Panelist, Concurrent Session: Clinical Pedagogy and a Beginning Quest for Resilience
and Dignity
Leader, Working Group Session: Community Economic Development.
Professor Cooper:
Panelist, Concurrent Session: Clinics Working Within the Campus Community to Address Campus Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking in a Time of Heightened Scrutiny
Presenter (Editor, Annual CLEA Membership Meeting), Report from the CLEA Newsletter Committee
Professor Stringfellow-Otey:
Presenter, Concurrent Session: Taking the Law School into the Community: Embedding Clinics in Neighborhoods, Courts, and Community Partnerships
The complete program may be found here.