Tami Lum Barnett (JD '02) and Karissa Hurst Freano (JD '13) establish Pacific Coast Adoption Attorneys
Tami Lum Barnett (JD '02) and Karissa Hurst Freano (JD '13) establish Pacific Coast Adoption Attorneys
Wendy McGuire Coats (JD '05) publishes "What is sex? Expanding LGBT rights under Title VII" -- Los Angeles Daily Journal
Wendy McGuire Coats (JD '05) publishes What is sex? Expanding LGBT rights under Title VII Los Angeles Daily Journal
John R. Bamford (JD '03) joins Nevers Palazzo, PC
John R. Bamford (JD '03) joins Nevers Palazzo, PC
Ericka Welsh and Jacob McIntosh win Asylum and Refugee Law National Competition
Ericka Welsh and Jacob McIntosh win Asylum and Refugee Law National Competition
Emily Sauer and Cameron Fraser win North American Regional of International Environmental Competition
Emily Sauer and Cameron Fraser win North American Regional of International Environmental Competition
"Slacklining attorney": Vision Winter (JD '04) featured in Daily Journal
Slacklining attorney: Vision Winter (JD '04) featured in Daily Journal
In Memoriam: Robert John Gerel (MDR '05)
In Memoriam: Robert John Gerel (MDR '05)
Robert Simon (JD '05) wins Top Gun Trial Lawyers of the Year award
Robert Simon (JD '05) wins Top Gun Trial Lawyers of the Year award
Lori Howe (JD '90) and Sarah Engelbert (JD '05) open Howe Engelbert LLP
Lori Howe (JD '90) and Sarah Engelbert (JD '05) open Howe Engelbert LLP