Choosing Neutrals: Professionalism and Transparency in Private Dispute Resolution
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Presented by:
Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law and Straus Institute for Dispute ResolutionCosponsored by:
Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal
International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR)
DePaul University College of Law Center for Dispute Resolution
Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law, Malibu, CaliforniaDate and Time:
Thursday, April 7, 20118:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Early Registration through April 2 - $95.00
Registration after April 2 - $120
Pepperdine Students - Free
Non-Pepperdine Students - $45
Materials, continental breakfast, and lunch are included.
Student Information:
Pepperdine students attend without charge, but must pre-register.
Please note, food service is not included for students, but may be added for $25.
Non-Pepperdine Students law students are invited to attend for a $45 fee. Please be
sure to use your law school e-mail address when registering.
Choosing Neutrals:
Professionalism and Transparency in Private Dispute Resolution
Keynote Speaker: (to be announced)
Are We Facilitating Effective Choices?
Roundtable Discussions
The Domestic Scene
The International Scene
Sessions and Panelists
What Professional and Experiential Qualifications Make Effective Neutrals- and Who Makes that Judgment?
The Role that Parties, ADR Providers, and Legislatures Play in Assuring Transparency of the Selection Process
Evolving Standards for Neutral Training and Evaluation and the Debate over Professional Models
Closing Remarks
Maureen Weston, Associate Dean for Research and Professor, Pepperdine University Caruso School of
For more information call Lori Rushford at 310.506.6342 or e-mail
Approved for 6 hours of MCLE credit