Straus Professors Teach Mediation in Japan
On February 11-14, the Straus Institute was honored to be invited to Doshisha University Law School, in Kyoto, Japan, to teach mediation to a group of selected attorneys and professors.
Thanks to the invaluable efforts of Dean Arinobu Ohnaka, and Associate Dean for International Affairs and Dr. Koji Takahashi, the Straus Institute was able to share knowledge on dispute resolution with Japanese professionals, in one of Japan's oldest private institutions of higher education.
During the two days, Managing Director Professor Sukhsimranjit Singh and Professor Marcelo Rosadilla shared Straus' views and skills on the theory and practice of mediation. The participants, all highly experienced professionals in the area, were enthusiastic in learning how to apply theory into practice, especially in view of the constant growth of mediation in Japan.