Professor Shelley Saxer Presents "Necessity Exceptions to Takings" -- Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law Arizona State University
Professor Shelley Ross Saxer presented "Necessity Exceptions to Takings" at the Sixth Annual SRP Sustainability Conference of American Legal Educators hosted by the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. The conference was held virtually on May 14.
From the Sustainability Conference program:
This ambitious conference is our signature contribution to the worldwide sustainability movement—a movement whose influence continues to expand throughout legal academia. As we're all aware, technological advancements over the past century have dramatically improved daily life for countless people across the world. Unfortunately, many of these modern conveniences also deplete or alter the planet's natural resources in ways that could significantly harm future generations. Transitioning cities, nations, and the world toward more environmentally sustainable living has thus emerged as one of humankind's greatest twenty-first century challenges.