Professor Rick Cupp Profiled in "The Elephant in the Courtroom" -- The New Yorker
Professor Richard L. Cupp and his scholarly work addressing the evolving legal status of animals is profiled in the New Yorker article "The Elephant in the Courtroom." As part of the in-depth article, the magazine discusses Professor Cupp’s background (including his love for animals) and his law review articles, amicus curiae briefs, and public debates addressing the concept of legal personhood for animals.
Excerpt from "The Elephant in the Courtroom"
“[j]udges skeptical of . . . claims for animal personhood often cite the work of Richard L. Cupp, Jr., a scholar at Pepperdine’s law school who has written extensively about the dangers of granting legal rights to animals.” Cupp instead argues for ambitious animal protections focused on human responsibility, a position that the article said “holds appeal for judges who prefer to see such issues resolved through legislation.”
The complete article may be found at The New Yorker