Professor Richard Cupp Featured in "Are Animals People Too?" -- Pepperdine Magazine
Professor Richard L. Cupp is featured in the Pepperdine Magazine article, "Are Animals People Too?" In the article, Professor Cupp shares his views on the issue of legal personhood versus legal protections for animals.
Excerpt from "Are Animals People Too?"
A better way to move forward in safeguarding animals’ welfare, argues Cupp, is through thoughtful legislation. He notes that as a society, our laws are continually developing in recognition of animals’ intellectual capacities and in furtherance of their well-being. “The best illustration is, if you went back 30 years ago, almost no states made animal cruelty eligible for felony status,” he says. “But because society has been shifting, there’s been a huge evolution such that in 2014, South Dakota became the final state to make animal cruelty felony eligible.”
The complete article may be found at Pepperdine Magazine Spring 2022