Professor Jeffrey Baker, "Big Tent Revival: Preaching the Gospel After Giving Up My Confederate Flag" -- Mississippi Free Press
Professor Jeffrey R. Baker's personal essay, "Big Tent Revival: Preaching the Gospel After Giving Up My Confederate Flag," has been published in the Mississippi Free Press. The article reflects on Professor Baker's history with the Confederate Battle Flag, renouncing the racist heritage-not-hate heresy and denouncing the flag as an act of faith and love.
Excerpt from "Big Tent Revival: Preaching the Gospel After Giving Up My Confederate Flag"
Many Americans like to forget that the great struggles for justice in America are against Americans; we laud the heroes in retrospect and pretend like they were fighting against shadowy strangers we've never met.
The great heresy that binds many white southerners is that the South is nothing more or less than the Confederacy itself. That doctrine comes from false prophets desperate to protect their idols on courthouse squares all over Dixie.
The complete article may be found here.