Professor Colleen Graffy Authors Book Chapter in The Presidents: 250 Years of American Political Leadership
Professor Colleen P. Graffy has joined 45 other contributors including historians, academics, diplomats, politicians, and journalists to write The Presidents: 250 Years of American Political Leadership, which is being published in London this week. Professor Graffy's chapter is on President George H. W. Bush. Professor Graffy served in the administration of President George H. W. Bush's son, President George W. Bush. The book is published by Hodder & Stoughton and edited by Iain Dale.
Via Hoddard & Stoughton:
The Presidents features essays, written by a range of academics, historians, political journalists and serving politicians, on all 46 American Presidents who have held the office over the last 230 years – from George Washington to Joe Biden. Each contributor has been carefully chosen based on expert knowledge of their subjects and personal connections, providing analysis of their subject's successes, failures and influence.
The Presidents: 250 Years of American Political Leadership may be found at Hoddard & Stoughton