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Professor Chris Goodman Quoted in "Four Women Defenders Form Slate to Seek LA County Judgeships" -- Daily Journal

Professor Chris Chambers Goodman is quoted in the Daily Journal article "Four Women Defenders Form Slate to Seek LA County Judgeships." The article profiles four Los Angeles women, Holly Hancock, Anna Slotky Reitano, Elizabeth Lashley-Haynes and Carolyn "Jiyoung" Park, who have joined forces as The Defenders of Justice to run for open seats on the Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Excerpt from "Four Women Defenders Form Slate to Seek LA County Judgeships"

Christine Chambers Goodman, a law professor at Pepperdine Caruso School of Law and a vice president of the L.A. County Bar Association, said ratings may be overvalued as a factor in judicial elections because the “public is so uninformed about candidates for judicial office, and rarely do they check the bar association’s rating of candidates as qualified or not.”