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Professor Alan Nissel Quoted in "Beverly Hills in Crisis as Judge Mandates New Affordable Housing" -- Hollywood Reporter

Professor Alan Nissel is quoted in the Hollywood Reporter article, "Beverly Hills in Crisis as Judge Mandates New Affordable Housing: 'People Are Furious.'" The article considers a ruling by a Superior Court judge placing a moratorium on Beverly Hills‘ ability to approve any new home additions or project proposals by residents pending the approval of new homes for lower-income locals.

Excerpt from "Beverly Hills in Crisis as Judge Mandates New Affordable Housing: 'People Are Furious'"

Alan Nissel, who heads residential and hospitality real estate development firm Wilshire Skyline, tells THR that Beverly Hills is stuck in an odd situation: If the city were to fully comply with California’s laws, provide more housing, and do its part to help out with the ongoing housing crisis, it would ultimately compromise the essential quality it’s so desperate to preserve, he says.

“[The city] needs to find a way to sufficiently address state needs without undermining its character,” he tells THR by phone. “And unfortunately, until now, it hasn’t done enough, legally and politically, to address the state’s concerns. As a result, its attempt to preserve that character has backfired."

The complete article may be found at Hollywood Reporter