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Ehsan Zaffar (JD '07) to Lead Initiative to Address Inequality at Arizona State University

Pepperdine Caruso Law alumnus Ehsan Zaffar (JD '07) has been chosen by the president of Arizona State University to launch and lead a new initiative to help reduce inequality in the United States. The initiative will begin in January 2021. Ehsan is a senior advisor on civil rights and civil liberties at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

From the Arizona State University press release:

Zaffar envisions the initiative as an applied center that will leverage cross-functional proficiencies at ASU to create classes, comprehensive private-sector partnerships, and tangible "products" to help students learn, help faculty broaden their areas of expertise, and provide affected communities with the tools to diminish structural inequality.

These products would range from educational tools for use inside and outside the classroom, to indexes and maps for non-profit and government organizations, and to smartphone apps that can be shared widely throughout impacted communities.

"Reducing inequality will rely on all of ASU's fundamental strengths: an openness to innovation, a community of amazing students and faculty, and the involvement of a network of supporters, alumni and citizens who are passionate about eliminating unfair systems," Zaffar said. "The COVID-19 pandemic and protests against police brutality make it even clearer why we must re-build equitable systems and I am grateful to President Crow for the opportunity to realize this vision at ASU. It is my hope that 50 years from now, students who join this initiative will help create a world where people don't feel like they have to join protests to obtain basic, fundamental rights."

The complete announcement may be found here