Career Development Office Celebrates Judicial Externships 2022
On March 21, 2022, the Career Development Office (CDO) held its fourth judicial extern panel to celebrate the judicial externships secured by Pepperdine Caruso Law's students and to prepare them for their externships. The panel featured Caruso Law alumnus Connor Brewer (JD ’20), third-year student Matthew Dillon, seoond-year student Deepika Chandrashekar, and second-year student Matthew Andrade, who shared their perspectives from their current judicial clerkships and prior judicial externships.
To date, 34 Caruso Law students will serve as judicial externs this summer in various federal and state courts in and out of California. The CDO is proud of and excited for all of the students who secured externships this summer. Congratulations to all!
The CDO is eager to help students find and succeed in judicial externships while at Pepperdine and judicial clerkships after graduating from Pepperdine Caruso Law. Please contact CDO Associate Director Ann Chang at if you would like to learn more.