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Pepperdine | Caruso School of Law

Therapeutic Justice Practicum Applications | Due November 30

 The Therapeutic Justice Practicum is a field placement program through which Caruso Law students earn academic credit for their work with the Ventura County Public Defender representing clients in Veterans Treatment Court, Mental Health Diversion Courts, and other collaborative courts. Students will work under expert supervision of the public defenders, in person and remotely, for defendants in diversionary, therapeutic programs, gaining significant experience in client interviewing, advising, and counseling; case evaluation and analysis; and advocacy. Some students may be able to support defenders in court.

This is a four unit, AEXP course graded on a High Pass/Pass/Credit/Fail basis. Students must work 16 hours per week to complete the course for four units and must complete faculty advising sessions with Professor Baker on alternating weeks. Students will set and commit to a schedule with the field supervisors at work at the beginning of the semester.

All interested 2L and 3L students are invited to submit a resume and cover letter to Linn Griffin at clinicallaw@pepperdine.edu by November 30.