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Lauren Bashir (JD '24) Publishes "Tips for Law Firms on Mentoring First-Year Lawyers" -- Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal

Pepperdine Caruso Law alumna Lauren Bashir (JD '24) has published the opinion article, "Tips for Law Firms on Mentoring First-Year Lawyers," in the Los Angeles & San Francisco Daily Journal.  The article shares the experience of being a first-year attorney and suggests tips on how law firms can best understand and guide new lawyers. Bashir is an associate at FROST LLP.

Excerpt from "Tips for Law Firms on Mentoring First-Year Lawyers" 

I am a first year. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been there (whether it’s been a couple of years or a couple of decades). I was one of the thousands of law students who were fortunate enough to pass the Summer 2024 Bar Examination. Not long ago, I was a 3L law student walking the hallowed halls of Pepperdine Law School feeling like I made it. That feeling only increased when I passed the Bar.

Then the poetry of gainfully securing employment faded into the prose of reality.

The complete article may be found at FROST LLP with permission of the Daily Journal.