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Pepperdine | Caruso School of Law

"IRS Scandal, Day 1000": Fox News features Paul Caron in "Every Single Day for Nearly Three Years Professor Chronicles IRS Scandal"

February 3, 2016 -- For 1,000 days, Pepperdine Law Dean of Research Paul L. Caron and his popular TaxProf Blog have covered continuing developments in the 2013 story that Internal Revenue Service had been targeting conservative groups. An article published today by The College Fix and featured in Fox News discussed Dean Caron's "tireless" efforts to cover the scandal.

Via Fox News:


A Pepperdine University School of Law professor has chronicled all the developments in the IRS scandal since Day One through a blog he tirelessly updates every day.

Every. Single. Day.

And today — Wednesday, Feb. 3 — marks Day 1,000 in tax law Professor Paul Caron's apparently never-ending quest to keep tabs on the latest in the IRS scandal on his "TaxProf Blog."

The feat itself is impressive in its size and scope, and something Caron said he could have never predicted when revelations that the agency targeted conservative groups came to light in May 2013.

"My goal for TaxProf Blog is to comprehensively cover the major tax and legal education issues of the day," Caron said in an email to The College Fix. "So when the IRS scandal broke, I naturally covered it on the blog. After a week, it was clear that this would be a major, long-running story, so I decided to do a daily roundup of news of the IRS Scandal each day. I never dreamt it would still be going strong 1,000 days later."

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