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Professor Jacob Charles Quoted in "Historical Record Clashes with Gun Control Precedent" -- The Washington Times

Professor Jacob D. Charles is quoted in the Washington Times article, "Historical Record Clashes with Gun Control Precedent; Judge Favors Possession in Post Office." The article consider the recent decision of a federal judge in Florida that it is unconstitutional to bar a truck driver from carrying a handgun in a post office.

Excerpt from "Historical Record Clashes with Gun Control Precedent; Judge Favors Possession in Post Office"

Jacob D. Charles, a professor at Pepperdine Caruso School of Law, said the judge rejected the Supreme Court’s 2008 precedent permitting guns in schools and government buildings. That case, District of Columbia v. Heller, examined restrictions on firearms kept in the home.

“The court’s open rejection of Heller’s statement that bans on guns in government buildings are permissible seems hard to square with Bruen’s embrace of Heller rather than its rejection of that decision’s conclusions,” Mr. Charles said.

The complete article may be found at Washington Times