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Professor Ed Larson, "Conflict Between Science and Religion Is Always Possible but Never Inevitable" -- Christianity Today

Professor Edward J. Larson's book review, "Conflict Between Science and Religion Is Always Possible but Never Inevitable," is published in Christianity Today. The review is of Nicholas Spencer's lastest book, Magisteria: The Entangled Histories of Science and Religion, which opens and closes with references to Stephen Jay Gould’s depiction of science and religion as nonoverlapping magisteria.

Excerpt from "Conflict Between Science and Religion Is Always Possible but Never Inevitable"

“Precisely because they overlap across the human, the potential for conflict between science and religion is always a live one, whether talking about algorithms in the twenty-first century or astrology in the fourth,” Spencer concludes. “And yet, if the long history of science and religion has anything to teach us, it is that this conflict is only potential, not inevitable.” He hopes these entangled magisteria can work together, each in its proper sphere, to advance the commonweal. Although his accounting of the past offers no assurances about the future, it does portend that science and religion will remain entangled on matters important to humanity.

The complete review may be found at Christianity Today