Pepperdine Law Review Announces Sorenson Award and Student Publication Selections - Volume XLVI
April 16, 2018 | Pepperdine Law Review is very proud to announce the winner of this year's Ronald M. Sorenson Memorial Writing Award, which is presented to the member of Law Review who submits the most well-written, thoroughly researched, and intellectually engaging comment or note:
- Tracy Smith: Stretching the First Amendment: Religious Freedom and Its Constitutional Limits Within the Adoption Sector
Pepperdine Law Review is also proud to announce that the following student-written articles have been selected for publication in Pepperdine Law Review Volume XLVI:
- Tyler Brown: The Court Can't Even Handle Me Right Now: The Arpaio Pardon and Its Effect on the Scope of Presidential Pardons
- Samantha Burdick: Star Athletica Tells the Fashion Industry to Knock-It-Off with the Knockoffs
- Anna Goodman: When You Give A Terrorist a Twitter: Holding Social Media Companies Liable for Their Support of Terrorism
- Monica Paladini: The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
- Tyler Prosser: The Locke Exception: What Trinity Lutheran Means for the Future of State Blaine Amendments
- Tracy Smith: Stretching the First Amendment: Religious Freedom and Its Constitutional Limits Within the Adoption Sector
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