Pepperdine Caruso Law and Straus Institute Summer Classes: New Sessions Begin Soon
Summer classes are continuing in an online format with opportunities for students to further their legal studies and skills.
JD Online Summer Session II
Beginning July 13 - register today!
- Law and Practice in the Times of Crisis (Professor Baker) - paper course, please see the video from Professor Baker about this very timely class here.
- Privacy Law (Professor McNeal) - paper course.
- Advanced Litigation Writing (Professor Farrell) - can satisfy either the upper-division writing requirement or go towards experiential units.
- Additional information regarding the JD schedule may be found here.
Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution
Beginning July 7:
- Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution (Professor Basaron) - additional information here.
- Arbitration Practice and Advocacy (Lawrence Mills) - additional information here.
Beginning July 21:
- Psychology of Conflict Communication (Sandy Jo MacArthur, former LAPD Assistant Chief) - additional information here.