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Pepperdine | Caruso School of Law

Most Influential People In Legal Education: Paul Caron #3 -- National Jurist

January 20, 2016 -- Pepperdine Law professor Paul Caron has been named among the most influential people in legal education for 2015 by the legal magazine The National Jurist.  He appears at #3 on the list, improving on his #6 ranking from 2014.

Via The National Jurist: "Most Influential People In Legal Education"

The National Jurist seeks nominations from every law school and then narrows the list down to 50 nominees.  The results are based on the votes of the dean and one professor from each law school.

The top five people for 2015 were:

1. Bill Henderson
2. Erwin Chemerinsky
3. Paul Caron
4. Brian Leiter
5. Blake Morant


Professor Paul Caron

The National Jurist described Professor Caron as follows:

Paul Caron runs the Law Professors Blog Network, which is a network of more than 40 blogs written by legal educators and lawyers. A good number are owned by the network, while others are affiliates.  They are the go-to sources for a host of insight and opinions.

From Professor Caron's Pepperdine Law biography:

Professor Caron is one of the leading entrepreneurial tax scholars in the country. He has written over 50 books and law review articles, including most recently Federal Wealth Transfer Taxation (Foundation Press, 7th ed. 2015) (with Paul McDaniel & Jim Repetti); The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Federal Estate Tax: It's Time to Renew Our Vows, 57 B.C. L. Rev. __ (2016); Tax Regulation, Transportation Innovation, and the Sharing Economy, 82 U. Chi. L. Rev. Dialogue 69 (2015) (with Jordan Barry); Thomas Piketty and Inequality: Legal Causes and Tax Solutions, 64 Emory L.J. Online 2073 (2015); and California Dreamin': Tax Scholarship in a Time of Fiscal Crisis, 48 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 405 (2014) (with Joseph Bankman). Professor Caron serves as Series Editor for two publishers in developing over 50 books for use by law students: the Law Stories Series of books published by Foundation Press; and the Graduate Tax Series of books published by LexisNexis for use in Tax LLM programs. Professor Caron is the Editor of three tax journals published by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN).