Colleen Graffy to moderate geostrategy panel in Tbilisi, Georgia
August 30, 2016 -- Pepperdine Law professor Colleen P. Graffy is moderating a panel at the Tbilisi International Conference on September 7. The conference, titled "Europe's Changing Geostrategic Landscape After the Warsaw Summit," is being held on September 6-7 in Tbilisi, Georgia.
From the Tbilisi International Conference brochure:
Panel V – U.S. Policy Toward Georgia and the Region
- Professor Colleen Graffy, Pepperdine University School of Law
- H.E. Mikheil Janelidze, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia
- The Hon. Ian Kelly, Ambassador of the United States to Georgia
- H.E. Batu Kutelia, Vice President, Atlantic Council of Georgia
- Sergii Leshchenko, Member, Ukrainian Rada
- The Hon. David J. Kramer, Senior Director for Human Rights & Democracy, The McCain Institute for International Leadership