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Pepperdine | Caruso School of Law


Pepperdine Students and Alumni

If you are interested in seeking reciprocal services from other ABA accredited law schools, please email cdo@pepperdine.edu indicating your preferred schools. The Career Development Office will respond with information on their policies. As policies differ among law schools, you must confirm that you have thoroughly read the school’s policy and agree to abide by their policy regarding blackout dates, access to jobs postings, participation in programs, etc. Students/graduates from Pepperdine University may maintain reciprocity at only two schools at a time.

For Students and Alumni from other law schools:

Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law’s Career Development Office is willing to share its resources with law students and graduates of other ABA-accredited law schools.

Terms and Privilege

Reciprocal Services are available to law graduates and current students of those ABA-accredited schools, which allow Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law graduates and/or law students to use their facilities. All requests for services must be made in writing by the applicant’s law school career office. The request allows the use of the Career Development Office for sixty days from the date reciprocity has been granted. Upon receiving a grant of reciprocity, you will have access to our online job postings (via Symplicity), only. We do not offer counseling to those benefitting from reciprocity with Pepperdine University. Reciprocity is a privilege granted by Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law. The Career Development Office reserves the right to adjust its policy, or refuse the granting of reciprocity at any time. Please send reciprocity requests to cdo@pepperdine.edu, including the email address of the requesting student, and their year in law school.


Reciprocity visitors may review directories, general information, and selected handouts. Materials are available for in-office use only. Other services, such as counseling, on-campus interviewing/recruiting, and counseling appointments, are not available to reciprocity visitors. Access to public job postings (via Symplicity) is available through remote access, only.

Blackout Dates

Please note: Reciprocity will not be granted between the dates of August 1 – November 15 for current students, and January 1 – March 15 for members of the most recent graduating class.

Additional Information

Reciprocity will be granted on a case-by-case basis and is subject to availability. At times it may be necessary to limit our grants of reciprocity on a one-to-one basis. Requests to renew reciprocity will be treated as a new request. Reciprocity will only be granted up to a maximum of two times. In order to keep up with the change and demands of requesting reciprocity, this policy is under constant review. Please be sure you are looking at the most up to date version of this policy. Abuse of this policy will result in automatic cancellation of reciprocal services. We reserve the right to modify our policy without prior notice.


Contact Us

Requests for or inquiries about reciprocity may be directed to:

Administrative Assistant
Pepperdine Caruso School of Law
24255 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90263
