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Straus Institute Hosts Boeing Ombudsman Mark Fava

On March 19, the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine Caruso Law hosted an exclusive event featuring Mark Fava, ombudsman at Boeing Co. Fava, a seasoned aviation lawyer, shared his firsthand experience establishing Boeing's inaugural Ombuds Program, a pioneering initiative that has transformed the aerospace giant's approach to conflict resolution.  Attendees gained valuable insights into the innovative program's strategic planning, implementation, and ongoing management.

Drawing from his extensive experience, Fava offered attendees practical strategies for navigating complex disputes and fostering a culture of collaboration within organizations. His expertise in mediation and negotiation provided a unique perspective on effective conflict management techniques.

Fava discussed the intricacies of the written charter agreement that guides Boeing's Ombuds Program, highlighting the importance of establishing clear guidelines and ethical standards. Attendees gained a deeper understanding of how the foundational document shapes the program's operations and ensures its long-term success.

Through his presentation, Fava shared valuable insights into the trends and patterns observed in visitor interactions within the Ombuds Program. As a testament to his commitment to lifelong learning, Fava discussed the practical applications of the "Mediating the Litigated Case" training offered by the Straus Institute that he attended in 2023. Attendees of the event gained a deeper appreciation for the Straus Institute's comprehensive curriculum and its relevance in real-world conflict resolution scenarios.

Finally, Fava shared his professional journey of transitioning from a successful aviation lawyer to becoming an ombudsman. The inspiring narrative provided valuable insights into the diverse career paths available within the field of dispute resolution and the opportunities for personal and professional growth. The event was an enriching experience for professionals and students interested in practicing organizational conflict resolution.