Tracy Smith Named Recipient of Los Angeles Federal Bar Association's Judge Barry Russell Federal Practice Award
August 27, 2018 | Tracy Smith (JD '19) has been selected as this year's Pepperdine Law student recipient of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Federal Bar Association's Judge Barry Russell Federal Practice Award. Tracy was nominated for the recognition by Professor McGoldrick.
Students from five area law schools are nominated and considered for this award, and one student from each law school receives it annually. The award is intended for students who have achieved excellence in a course of study involving federal practice and procedure. According to a letter Pepperdine Law received from Judge Russell, students who have achieved excellence in courses such as Civil Procedure, Evidence, and Bankruptcy are strong candidates for the award. Last year's award included a $500 prize, a signed copy of Judge Russell's most recent book, and a commemorative plaque.
Tracy most recently served as a summer associate at Sidley Austin LLP in Los Angeles. Prior to that, she worked as a judicial intern for the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and the US District Court for the Central District of California.
She is also involved in a number of Pepperdine Law activities, including the Ninth Circuit Appellate Advocacy Clinic, Pepperdine Law Review (Lead Articles Editor), International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court Team Chair; First Year Legal Research and Writing Teaching Assistant, and the Phi Delta Phi International Legal Society. In addition to her various leadership roles at the School of Law, Tracy has achieved recognition as a Dean's Merit Scholar, the Ronald M. Sorenson Award for Best Student Law Review Article, Armand Arabian Individual Advocacy Tournament Champion, and CALI Award for Highest Grade in Evidence, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Structure, and Legal Research & Writing.
Tracy will be formally recognized at an awards luncheon at the Biltmore Hotel in Los
Angeles on Thursday, October 4.
Congratulations, Tracy!