Professor Sukhsimranjit Singh Presents "Meeting Across Cultures: Mediating and Building Bridges" -- Weinstein JAMS International Fellow Meeting
Professor Sukhsimranjit Singh presented "Meeting Across Cultures: Mediating and Building Bridges" at the Weinstein JAMS International Fellow Meeting. The meeting took place at the JAMS Foundation offices in San Francisco on September 8. At the invitation of Judge Daniel Weinstein (Retd.), Dr. Singh led a global conversation on what is culture and how culture impacts decision making with Weinstein JAMS Fellows and with Pepperdine Caruso Law students. The group represented 15 national identities. Straus Institute professors Shaphan Roberts and Helen Winter also participated in the meeting.
Inaugurated in 2008, the Weinstein JAMS International Fellowship Program provides opportunities for qualified individuals from outside the United States to study dispute resolution processes and practices in the US to assist them in their efforts to advance the resolution of disputes in their home countries.
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