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Professor Jacob Charles Quoted in "9th Circuit Strikes Down Felon's Firearm Conviction" -- Daily Journal

Professor Jacob D. Charles is quoted in the Daily Journal article, "9th Circuit Strikes Down Felon's Firearm Conviction." The article considers the implications of a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision reversing the conviction of a California man with five nonviolent felony convictions for violating a federal statute that barred him from possessing a handgun after he was arrested for tossing the handgun out of a moving car.

Excerpt from "9th Circuit Strikes Down Felon's Firearm Conviction"

"If it stands, the case will increase the chances the Supreme Court will need to resolve this issue quickly because the law at issue is the most frequently enforced federal gun law," Jacob D. Charles, a professor at Pepperdine Caruso School of Law, wrote in an email. 

The complete article may be found at the Daily Journal (subscription may be required)