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Professor Jacob Charles Quoted in "Local Biz Interests Welcome Gun-Free Times Square Zone" -- Law360

Professor Jacob D. Charles is quoted in the Law360 article, "Local Biz Interests Welcome Gun-Free Times Square Zone." The article considers the designation of Times Square in midtown Manhattan as a "sensitive location" that prohibits concealed firearms.

Excerpt from "Local Biz Interests Welcome Gun-Free Times Square Zone"

District-specific gun-free designations are uncommon, although not without precedent, according to Jacob D. Charles, associate professor at the Pepperdine Caruso School of Law specializing in Second Amendment and firearms law. 

"The Bruen decision the court just issued in June seemed to recognize that sensitive places are ... a carveout where the government has authority to keep guns out, but it didn't give much guidance," Charles said. 

The complete article may be found at Law360