Pepperdine Law Review Announces Sorenson Award and Student Publication Selections - Volume XLIX
Pepperdine Law Review is proud to announce the winner of this year's Ronald M. Sorenson Memorial Writing Award, which is presented to the member of Law Review who submits the most well-written, thoroughly researched, and intellectually engaging comment or note:
- Joseph Castro - Not White Enough, Not Black Enough: Reimagining Affirmative Action Jurisprudence in Law School Admissions Through a Filipino-American Paradigm
Pepperdine Law Review is also proud to announce that the following student-written articles have been selected for publication in Pepperdine Law Review Volume XLIX:
- Noah DeWitt - A Twisted Fate: How California's Premier Environmental Law Has Worsened the State's Housing Crisis, and How to Fix It
- Sarah Devaney - Justice for All? Impeding the Villainization of Human Trafficking Victims via the Expansion of Vacatur Laws
- Katie Rubcich - Presumptively Awful: How the Federal Government is Failing to Protect the Constitutional Rights of Those Adjudicated as Mentally Ill, as Illustrated by the ยง 922(g)(4) Circuit Split
- Tanner Hendershot - The United States of California: Ninth Circuit Tips the Dormant Commerce Clause Scales in Favor of the Golden State's Animal Welfare Legislation
- Caroline Clouse - Hair on Fire: Why Companies Are Less Likely to Feel the Burn Under the DOJ's Newest Change to Antitrust Enforcement