Matthew Stidham and Cory Gould compete in Professional Football Negotiation Competition
February 22, 2017 | By Kylie Larkin -- Students Matthew Stidham (3L) and Cory Gould
(2L) represented Pepperdine Law in the Professional Football Negotiation Competition
held at Tulane Law School in New Orleans. Judged by industry professionals, the competition
simulates NFL contract negotiations, using real life scenarios and actual upcoming
NFL free agents. Teams play the role of representing the athlete or football club.
Industry experts serve as judges for each negotiation and the competition concludes
with a panel on relevant NFL topics. According to Matt, the competition "was a fantastic
experience and something that inspired me to continue pursuing a career in this field.
I made numerous connections, including
a sports agent in the local area who I am going to try and meet with in the next couple
of weeks."
Through the Entertainment, Media & Sports Law Program, Pepperdine Law students participate in a variety of sports ADR competitions.
For more on the competition, please see