Matthew Myatt ('16, JD '19), "The 'Victim-Perpetrator' Dilemma: The Role of State Safe Harbor Laws" -- William and Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice
Pepperdine Law (JD '19) and Seaver College ('16) alumnus Matthew Myatt's article, "The 'Victim-Perpetrator' Dilemma: The Role of State Safe Harbor Laws in Creating a Presumption of Coercion for Human Trafficking Victims," has been published in the William and Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice [25 Wm & Mary J. Women & L. 555 (2019)]. The article was inspired by the desire to protect victims of human trafficking from the lingering effects of coercion and a problem that can manifest itself as the "victim-perpetrator" dilemma. This dilemma arises when trafficking victims, themselves, engage in criminal conduct during the course of their trafficking that in some ways relates to their own victimization but also violates state or federal law.
The article may be found here