Cipolla Closing Argument Competition 2021
The final round of the Otto Cipolla Closing Argument Competition was held on Friday, April 2, 2021. All of the competitors in the final round were first-year law students. The first place winner was MacKenzie Savage, who was awarded a $1,000 prize. The competition's second place went to Curtis Crawford, who was awarded a $750 prize; third place went to Kaitlin Street, who was awarded a $500 award prize; and fourth place went to Hannah Storum, who was awarded a $250 prize. Competitors Zachary Matthess, Kelly Mahoney, and Patrick Ballinger were all named honorable mention awardees and will be receiving $150 prizes. Thank you to all of the students who participated in the competition and to everyone who came to observe the final round.
Congratulations to the Trial Advocacy Board for successfully hosting the annual event. The student leadership team was comprised of Paige Waldberg, Rebecca Voth, Karl Kleppe, and Joshua Upham. The faculty advisor, Professor Harry Caldwell, oversaw the entire competition and Pepperdine Caruso Law alumnus Otto Cipolla (JD '83) generously donated the monetary prizes.