Professor Barry McDonald Quoted in "Guns and Abortion: Contradictory Decisions or Consistent?" -- ABC News
Professor Barry P. McDonald is quoted in the ABC News article, "Guns and Abortion: Contradictory Decisions, or Consistent?" The article examines the orginalist basis of the Supreme Court's recent decisions on gun rights and abortion.
Excerpt from "Gun and Abortion: Contradictor Decisions, or Consistent?"
“I think there is a double standard going on here,” said Barry McDonald, a professor of law at Pepperdine University, reviewing the justices’ arguments that both decisions are grounded in a strict reading of the law and of history. That logic is shaky, he said, given the conclusion by many legal historians that the right to bear arms in the Bill of Rights is, in fact, much narrower than the court majority insists.
The complete article may be found at ABC News