Pepperdine Caruso Law Disaster Relief Clinic Featured in Texas Disaster Legal Help Pro Bono Spotlight
Pepperdine Caruso Law's Disaster Relief Clinic is featured in the Texas Disaster Legal Help's "Pro Bono Spotlight." The clinic is recognized for being a model example of a partner that complements other legal community efforts during disaster recovery.
Excerpt from "Pepperdine Caruso School of Law"
We feature Pepperdine Caruso School of Law because of its dedication to disaster recovery, including being one of the first clinical programs to contact legal services after Winter Storm Uri swept across Texas. Their clinic is a model example of a partner that complements other legal community efforts during recovery efforts. Additionally, the licensed faculty and students fall within the federal definition of "private attorney involvement," which requires the expending of federal funds to develop such partnerships to meet our poverty population's legal demands. Such clinics also provide unique and ever-evolving legal knowledge that will benefit the students as they pursue their careers after law school.
Please click here for the complete feature from Texas Disaster Legal Help