Information Sessions on Clinics, Externships, and Practicums
Ahead of registration later this month, please join the Program of Clinical Education for information sessions on clinics, externships, and practicums for Spring 2019.
The information sessions will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 24, and Thursday, Oct. 25, at 12:30. The Clinical Education Program will provide lunch; you provide your questions and interest.
In Spring 2019, the School of Law will offer ten clinics: Community Justice, Faith & Family Mediation, Legal Aid, Low Income Taxpayer, Ninth Circuit Appellate Advocacy, Restoration & Justice, Investor Advocacy, Mediation, Fair Employment & House Discrimination Mediation, and Entrepreneurship Law.
There will be five practicum courses: Veterans (Ventura - criminal defense); Veterans (Los Angeles – civil and administrative), Employment, Health Law, and Immigration.
The externship program continues with extensive placements in most areas of practice: public interest, public service, judicial, corporate, private, and others.