Ed Larson presents at Harry S. Truman Presidential Library Conference
July 20, 2016 -- Professor Edward J. Larson presented "America's First Presidential Election" on July 18 and "The Catastrophic Election of 1800" on July 19 at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library's 13th Annual Teachers Conference. The conference, titled "Presidential Elections: Washington to Obama," was held July 18-22 at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum located in Independence, Missouri.
From the conference program:
- America's First Presidential Election
Edward J. Larson
In this session, Ed Larson will discuss how the first federal election (1788-89) operated with particular attention
to the contests for president, vice president, and congress. He will briefly cover how this process matured over
the next eight years. - The Catastrophic Election of 1800
Edward J. Larson
In this session, Ed Larson will discuss how the fourth presidential election (held in 1800-01) derailed so
catastrophically and was ultimately resolved in the House of Representatives. He will briefly cover how this
election led to the 12th Amendment.
The complete program may be found at www.trumanlibrary.org.