Student Testimonials
Greer Illingworth
"I decided to attend law school so I could attain an education that enabled me to engage in a eightened level of service. The kind of service aimed not just at helping but resolving. Pepperdine has gone above and beyond in helping me make this desire a reality."
Before law school, Greer was an Eagle Scout, a former congressional intern, and a legislative aide in Washington, D.C., who traveled to South Africa and Swaziland for service trips. Law school has by no means slowed down his activities. Through Pepperdine, he has served as the secretary of the International Justice Mission, traveled to Mexico to help build houses, and recently returned from an and recently returned from an externship in Africa where he worked for the criminal law division of the Ugandan High Court.
He credits the faculty and administration for putting action behind the words "Purpose, Service, and Leadership." Says Greer, "Each is accessible and genuinely interested in my intellectual development. The professors make a concerted effort to be available, to help, and to encourage.
"Although difficult, I believe my time in law school has given me an appreciation for what is most important—faith, family, and friends."