Introduction to Professional Formation Course
Introduction to Professional Formation is a unique program for first year law students that helps to create purposeful servant leaders, excellence in all areas of life; and excellent lawyers.
The importance of this initiative is demonstrated by the requirement for all first year law students to enroll in the Introduction to Professional Formation Course during the first semester of law school. The course then continues throughout the year in the form of the following formative experiences:
Launch Week
Launch Week is an intensive integration of legal analysis training, academic success training, legal ethics training, and professional character training, coupled with inspiring messages from world leaders on the meaning and pursuit of justice.
The Preceptor Program
The Preceptor Program is where each first year student is paired with a practicing attorney or judge and intentionally mentored through the first semester of law school.
Parris Institute Workshops
The Parris Workshops consist of eight one-hour sessions for our 1L students devoted to ongoing academic success training, character formation, professionalism, and emotional and relational intelligence training.