Judicial Clerkship Institute: Purpose of Annual Event

I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as Dean of Pepperdine Caruso Law School, the host of the prestigious Wm. Matthew Byrne, Jr. Judicial Clerkship Institute. The work of the federal judiciary has never been more important, complex, and demanding. The training of lawyers to serve as effective law clerks to federal judges also has never been more important. The goal of this institute is to help equip law clerks to make significant contributions to the work of the judges they serve. I served for two years as law clerk to the Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, so I know first-hand the importance of the judge-law clerk relationship in the day-to-day work in chambers. I am pleased that we are partnering with the the Federal Judicial Center in this institute. I look forward to welcoming this year's participants to what promises to be an excellent conference.
- Paul L. Caron
Duane & Kelly Roberts Dean and Professor of Law