
I am honored to have this opportunity to serve as Dean at Pepperdine, the host of the prestigious Wm. Matthew Byrne, Jr. Judicial Clerkship Institute. Judge Byrne was a personal friend of mine and a highly respected colleague in the federal judiciary. He was a model of judicial excellence, integrity, and public service. As the work of the judiciary continues to become ever more complex and demanding, the training of lawyers to serve as efficient and effective law clerks to federal judges is critical. The goal of this institute is to equip law clerks to make significant and valuable contributions to the judges for whom they work and the judiciary as a whole. I am especially pleased that we are partnering with the American Bankruptcy Institute and the Federal Judicial Center in this endeavor. The Federal Judicial Center is known throughout the nation as an outstanding provider of judicial and judicial staff education. I look forward to welcoming this year's participants to what promises to be an excellent conference.
- Deanell Reece Tacha
Duane & Kelly Roberts Dean