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Professor Jeff Baker Named 2018 CLEA President

Baker leads the Clinical Legal Education Association

Professor Jeffrey R. Baker has been named President of the Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA) for 2018. Professor Baker takes over from Co-Presidents C. Benjie Louis and Beth Schwartz, who note, “we will continue to work with CLEA’s new President, Jeff Baker, whose enthusiasm and passion for causes impacting the clinical community are well known. Under Jeff’s leadership, 2018 will see continued progress in implementing the Strategic Plan and, as always, initiatives that reflect CLEA’s advocacy in support of our colleagues, the promotion of justice and diversity, and support for experiential education at our institutions.”

The winter CLEA newsletter, including a message from Professor Baker, may be found at www.cleaweb.org

Professor Baker’s message may also be found at lawprofessors.typepad.com