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Inaugural Skip McDermott Teaching Award Presented to Peter Wendel

Each year, the 1L students and the 2L/3L students each vote on a Professor of the Year. In addition, a faculty member is recognized with the annual award for Excellence in Scholarship. Pepperdine Law has instituted a third faculty award in honor of Tony ‘Skip’ McDermott. Skip was a beloved faculty member here for 28 years who passed away on June 1, 2010.  The award honors Professor McDermott, a terrific teacher who cared deeply for the students. Skip cheerfully taught a huge number of students each year in a variety of courses, wherever he was needed.

The inaugural Skip McDermott Teaching Award was presented to Professor Peter Wendel in recognition of his teaching excellence that impacted the greatest number of students in 2017-2018. Through his dedication to students and integrity as an educator, Professor Wendel embodies the values that are representative of the Skip McDermott Award. Congratulations, Professor Wendel!