Brittany Stringfellow-Otey (JD '01), Union Rescue Mission Legal Clinic Director, Nominated for #SheIsNoble Campaign
From the Clinical Law Prof blog:
In May, the movie Noblewill open; it is a biography of Christina Noble, Irish children's rights activist. In advance of the debut, the producers solicited stories from women doing courageous work.
Prof. Brittany Stringfellow-Otey received a nomination.
These are my favorite quotes from my colleague and friend:
“My goal is for poverty to bother you for the rest of your life . . . I don’t want you to be able to walk the block to your office and not be completely troubled by those asking for money or suffering from addiction. I want you to do something about it, with your time and resources.”
“I want to be an old lady working on skid row. I will always be here.”
From the sheisnoble website:
The SHE IS NOBLE Campaign was born from the idea that anyone can be NOBLE. The campaign draws its inspiration from the true story of Irishwoman, Christina Noble, whose fearless life and reckless love saved the lives of over 700,000 orphans in Vietnam.
Stringfellow-Otey teaches legal aid and family law clinical courses at Pepperdine School of Law.