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Pepperdine | Caruso School of Law

Scholarly Workshop Series

Pepperdine Caruso Law hosts scholarly workshops throughout the academic year to highlight and discuss the work of a variety of visiting and Pepperdine faculty.

September 9

Dan Sokol (USC)

Antitrust Platform Regulation and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China

October 1

Jennifer Koh (Pepperdine Caruso)

Christian Lawyers in the Public Interest and Outside the Political Right

October 7

Laura Appleman (Willamette University) 

The Secret History of the Carceral State

October 14 

Joel Johnson (Pepperdine Caruso) 

Ad Hoc Constructions of Penal Statutes

October 28 

Roger Alford (University of Notre Dame)

The Competitive Landscape of Generative Artificial Intelligence

November 11

Naomi Goodno (Pepperdine Caruso)

Deepfakes: A Guide to Seemingly Lawless Wild West


Tax Policy Workshop Series

January 23

Ariel Jurow Kleiman (San Diego), Tax Limits and the Future of Local Democracy, 133 Harv. L. Rev. (2019)

February 4

Jason Oh (UCLA), The Effects of Capital Gains Rate Uncertainty on Realization (with David Kamin - NYU)

February 18

Goldburn Maynard (Louisville), Legislating Tax Cuts With Tall Tales

March 4

Gladriel Shobe (BYU), Economic Segregation, Tax Reform, and the Local Tax Deduction

March 25

Joshua Blank (UC-Irvine), Simplexity and Legal Calculators (with Leigh Osofsky - North Carolina)

April 8

Rebecca Kysar (Fordham), Unravelling The Tax Treaty

April 22

Susan Morse (Texas), GILTI: The Cooperative Potential of a Unilateral Minimum Tax